Marketing workshops for your veterinary team

Online workshops start from £599!

Get your team focused on your collective goals!

Work out your path to success

Offered either online or in your vet practice, this workshop will produce a clear path aimed at your unique goals. This marketing workshop allows time away from day-to-day work to focus on where you’re going and how you will get there.

Understand YOUR clients

Having a deeper understanding of the market you exist within and the steps in the customer journey that need boosting, you will be able to laser target your marketing strategy. This will result in every penny of your marketing budget bringing the best return possible.

Interactive online workshops

The online format is three sessions over three weeks – the first two are an hour and a half, and the final one is an hour.  A workbook is provided in advance that participants can complete as they go, and breakout rooms are used during each session for larger groups if that facilitates more open discussion.

In-practice workshops

In-practice workshops take half a day on average. They allow for more discussion time and a deeper dive and better understanding of your practice and how you operate. This is ideally suited to practices that have audacious goals! And business-wise have somewhere to be by a certain time.

"I found it very useful (and it has) really helped to identify what our clients might be looking for from us"

What's the format of the workshop?

To begin…
Initial discussions with the decision-making unit around goals and visions for the practice. Where are you now, and where do you want your marketing to take you?

A larger group discussion will bring you and your customer-facing team together to build client avatars. Together, we’ll help you work out who your ideal customer is, and how best to communicate with them.

A systematic look at the stepping-stones that make up your customer’s journey to reveal what you can do to supercharge your marketing effort. We’ll ensure each stepping stone has touchpoints that will predictably and seamlessly move them from complete strangers to your biggest fans.

We’ll use breakout rooms and group discussions to put together our learnings from the three stages above to create a marketing strategy. This will take you step-by-step to where you want to be. You and your team will create a project plan in your workbook and detail the findings from the elements above.

After the half-day session, you will be sent a PDF detailing the findings from the workshop as well as suggestions for marketing activities you can add to your strategy to help you reach your goals faster.

You can do any of these activities yourselves, request our expert help, or use our done-for-you proven and measurable marketing consultancy and hand it all over.

"I just wanted to say how much I had enjoyed the training – it really made sense and highlighted times that we forget some of our client demographics"

Your team will get the following benefits…

This workshop will change the way you think about your customers and the way you communicate with them.

Ready to get started?

Book an introductory call with the team, and we’ll answer any questions you have about the session and get you booked in.

“It was really worthwhile for us to go through the Growth Bootcamp with VetSuccess. I would highly recommend this to other practices or vet business owners.

As a business owner, this will crystalise what you want to do, who you want to attract and how you are going to do it.

What’s good about VetSuccess is that they want to do exactly the same thing that we want to do, which is, they don’t want it to be cheap they want it to be quality and they want the people that they work with to do the best that they can with the resources that they have. And they will support you to do that!”

Marketing Workshops for Veterinary Teams| VetSuccess

Contact us about this workshop today

We'll answer any questions you have and explain all the outcomes and benefits of the workshop for you and your team.